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时间:2024-03-29 23:28:00    编辑:佚名
Fidig emo is a classic family-friedly aimaed movie ha ells he sory of a faher clowfish searchig forhis so who go los ihe ocea. The movie has simple ad easy-o-udersad对话,makig ia grea choicefor people who are jus sarig o lear Eglish。

The Lio Kig

The Lio Kig is aoher popular aimaed movie ha is easy o follow ad udersad. The sory follows a yougLio amed Simba who muslear o become kig afer his faher's deah. The movie has cachy sogs ha ca alsohelp begiers lear Eglish words ad phrases。

Toy Sory

The Pricess Bride

The Pricess Bride is a classic romaic adveure movie ha is suiable for begiers. The movie has asimple ad easy-o-followplo . ad he characers speak i a clear ad udersadable maer. This movie is also是grea way o lear some fu ad quirky Eglishphrases。

The Karae Kid


