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史前游戏汉化版(prehistoric game)(英语翻译)

时间:2023-06-04 10:43:43    编辑:down


是什么书名儿吧,起得真好啊...试翻译如下:Days marching before the blood.远古时期的时光变迁.东西方都有大洪水的传说,自此人类开始走向封建社会,建立秩序,因此我觉得不管是东西方,用before the blood 来表达远古都...


史前蜻蜓史前蜻蜓是石炭纪的巨型节肢动物的一种,存在于3亿年前,消亡在二叠纪的中期到晚期,是地球上有史以来最大的昆虫。恐龙是地球史上最庞大的动物,而在恐龙之前还有许多巨型动物,其中最著名的是宽达近1米的大蜻蜓。科学家最新研究认为,是当时大气中高浓度的氧气让它们变成大个头。基本信息中文名 史前蜻蜓外文名 Prehistoric Dragonfly界 动物界门 节肢动物门纲 昆虫纲目 蜻蜓目分布区域 热带,植物繁盛宽度 近1米成因 高氧气含量年代 3亿年前石炭纪分类 巨型节肢动物最大昆虫史前蜻蜓国际先驱导报文章 科学家们通过化石记录发现,在恐龙之前,地球上就有巨大的物种存在,它们就是3亿年前石炭纪的巨型节肢动物,包括超大的蜉蝣昆虫、蝎子;吊兰大小的蜘蛛;还有5英尺长的千足虫,等等。其中最神奇的应是巨型蜻蜓,它们的翼展可以达到2英尺半(接近1米),是地球上有史以来最大的昆虫。成因3亿年前,这些物种曾经昌盛一时。那时大部分陆地都在热带,植物繁盛(后埋入地下形成煤炭,该时期因此称为石炭纪)。但经过大约5000万年,从二叠纪的中期到晚期,这些巨型物种消亡了。长期以来,科学家们都猜测,也许是大气中氧气含量的变化在它们的兴亡中起了关键作用。美国耶鲁大学生物学家罗伯特·贝尔纳等人发表的一项古气候研究肯定了这个猜测。研究者在报告中指出,石炭纪时地球大气层中氧气的浓度高达35%,比21%要高得多。许多节肢动物是通过遍布它们肌体中的微型气管直接吸收氧气,而不是通过血液间接吸收氧气,所以高氧气含量能促使昆虫向大个头方向进化。


●特点:陕西省博物馆融古代宫殿与庭院建筑风格于一体,典雅凝重,古朴大方,布局协调,气势宏伟,体现了民族风格和地方特色,馆内设有中央空调、多功能照明系统,采用计算机管理系统和中央控制系统.设有现代化文物库房和具备多种语言同声传译功能的报告厅. 镶金玉镯
●陕西历史博物馆建筑造型继承唐代博大雄浑、典雅凝重的风 格,借鉴我国传统宫殿“轴线对称,主从有序,中央殿堂, 四隅 崇楼”的布局形式,同时运用现代先进技术,把我国盛唐时期古 典建筑风格与现代博物馆功能要求有机地结合为一体,既保持了 古老风貌,又有现代化的特点.屋顶采用唐代盛行的灰绿色琉璃 瓦,显得华贵庄重,古朴大方,墙面材料为仿石棉砖,门窗则采 用大块茶色玻璃和铝合金框架,馆内配备可控制温湿度的全封闭 中央空调系统,多功能的照明系统,自动防火防盗系统,计算机 控制管理系统;设有文物保护科技中心,具有先进的化验、测试 技术和文物保护修复手段.为加强中外文化交流,建有电脑控制 并拥有30万册藏书的图书馆和6国语言同声传译的国际学术报 告厅.此外,还有设施完善的文物库、资料室、购物中心等.
●进入博物馆大厅,迎面巨幅照片向人们展现出奔腾咆哮的黄 河和绵亘无垠的黄土高原.这是孕育诞生陕西历史文化的地理环 境.陕西的历史是黄土地文明的历史.昂首屹立在大厅中央的巨 狮是这种文明的标志.它造型雄伟,气势澎湃,石刻之精美,气 魄之弘大,堪称“东方第一狮”.这头石狮来自历史上唯一的 女皇帝武则天母亲杨氏的顺陵.古代的狮子及狮子雕刻艺术 由阿富汗传入,中亚的浪漫奇特与东亚的深沉浑厚在这里如此完 美地融合为一体,集中体现了陕西历史文化的基调. 近1500米的展线由基本陈列、专题陈列和临时陈列三部分组 成.位于博物馆中央上下两层的基本陈列荟萃了陕西出土文物的 精华,展出的3000余件稀世珍品从陕西出土的几十万件文物中精 选而来,许多珍贵文物在这里首次公诸于世,分史前、周、秦、汉、 魏晋南北朝、隋唐、宋元明清七大部分,形象系统地展现出自115 万年前至公元1840年的陕西古代历史,并使人们了解陕西一些重 要考古遗址的基本面貌.
汉•四神瓦当(朱雀) 直径15.8厘米,边轮宽2厘米,陕西汉长安城遗址出土.朱雀口卸宝珠,昂首翘尾,更显得威严势猛,神圣异常.现藏于陕西历史博物馆.
Shaanxi History Museum is a state-level large-scale modernization of the museum is a magnificent Tang-style building, covers an area of about 70,000 square meters, construction area of over 50,000 square meters. It brings together the culture of Shaanxi, shows the development of Chinese civilization, Shaanxi Province in China in view of the history of the status of the state to invest a total of 144,000,000 yuan for the construction of the Shaanxi Museum of History, in June 1991 completion and opening.
Flavor Architecture Museum, unique. It classical Chinese palace architecture and garden architecture closely together, coordinating colors, reflecting the traditional Chinese architectural style, at the same time with local characteristics and the spirit of the times.
Museum of Shaanxi Province unearthed antiques 113,000 (Group) showroom area of 1100 square meters, at the prehistoric, Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties most of the seven, the image display system from 115 Million years ago until the year 1840, Shaanxi's history. In Chinese history, there have been 11 dynasties established their capitals in Shaanxi Province and will last for 1,000 years, is the capital of China's most Dynasty, the longest of the capital region, from a certain point, the ancient history of Shaanxi is China's history Enrichment.
● features: Museum of Shaanxi Province in ancient China into the palace courtyard with the architectural style in one, dignified and elegant, generous simplicity, the layout of coordination, the great momentum, reflecting the ethnic and local characteristics, the Library has central air-conditioning, lighting systems, multi-purpose use Computer management system and the central control system. Heritage and the Treasury have modern languages with simultaneous interpretation function Hall.
● Shaanxi Museum of History of the Tang Dynasty architectural style succession of powerful broad, dignified and elegant style, from traditional Chinese palace "axis of symmetry, the master-slave in an orderly manner, the central hall, Si Yu Chong-floor," the layout of the form and at the same time the use of modern advanced technology to China's Sheng Tang period classical architectural style with modern requirements of the museum features combined into one, has managed to maintain the old style with modern features. The roof of the Tang Dynasty used the prevalence of gray green glazed tile, Wah Kwai appears to be a solemn, simple person, wall materials like asbestos tiles,Doors and windows are tinted using large pieces of glass and aluminum framework, the Library can be equipped with temperature and humidity control of the closed central air-conditioning system of multi-functional lighting systems, automatic fire alarm systems, computer-controlled management system; heritage with science and technology center With-the-art laboratory to test repair techniques and means of protection. To enhance cultural exchange between China, has computer-controlled and have 300,000 books in the library and 6-language simultaneous interpretation of international academic Hall. In addition, there are facilities for cultural relics libraries, library, shopping and so on.
● collections: the Museum's collection of historical relics unearthed in Shaanxi 370,000 fine, visitors can enjoy prehistoric, Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing from 115 million years ago to Year in 1840 between the Shaanxi Cultural Relics.
● Structure: galleries with a total area of 11,000 square meters, to display the basic points, and temporary exhibits on display feature three parts, on display ancient history of Shaanxi, Shanxi Bronze Exhibition, Shaanxi show the essence of ancient pottery and domestic Tangmu murals show the most real thing Attractive.
● into the hall of the museum, in the face of huge photographs to show people Pentium Miangen roar of the Yellow River and the vast loess plateau. This is the birth of the breeding history and culture of Shaanxi's geographical location. Shaanxi Yellow Earth's history is the history of civilization. Heads held high standing in the central hall of the giant lion is the symbol of civilization. Its grand design, the surging momentum, the beautiful stone, Hongik Univ of vision, called "Eastern Lions in the first."This is the first in the history of Chinese stone lions from the only female Emperor Wu of Young's mother, Ling-shun. Ancient Chinese lion and the lion sculpture art from Afghanistan into Central Asia's strange romance with the immense depth of East Asia here so perfectly integrated into one, embodies the history and culture of Shaanxi tone.Nearly 1,500 m of exhibition by the basic line on display, special and temporary exhibits on display consists of three parts. Museum is located in the central up and down two floors to display the basic meta-historical relics unearthed in Shaanxi Province of the essence, the display of more than 3,000 pieces of rare treasures unearthed in Shaanxi from the hundreds of thousands of cultural relics selected from a number of precious cultural relics here from the public for the first time in World Bank, sub-prehistoric, Zhou, Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties most of the seven, the image display system, from 115 million years ago by the year 1840, Shaanxi's ancient history, and a number of important people understand the Shaanxi Archeology The basic
Han four Wadang God (Suzaku) diameter of 15.8 cm, 2 cm wide margin round, Shaanxi Han Chang'an City ruins unearthed. Suzaku unloading the Pearl of the mouth, head Qiao Mei, the more dignified and powerful Meng, the sacred . Now in the possession of the Shaanxi History Museum.




• 基本资料
• 演职员表
• 幕后制作
• 目录列表
• 发行碟片
史前公园"Prehistoric Park"(2006)
Ösvilági kaland .Hungary
Esihistoriallinen puisto .Finland
Förhistorisk park .Finland (Swedish title)
Proistoriko parko .Greece
纪录片 / 剧情 / 冒险
UK:60 min
Impossiblepictures Ltd. [英国]
Independent Television (ITV) [英国] . (2006) (UK) (TV)
Nelonen [芬兰] . (2007) (Finland) (TV)
Framestore CFC
Sid Bennett .(2 集, 2006)
Karen Kelly .(2 集, 2006)
Matthew Thompson .(2 集, 2006)
演员 :
Nigel Marven .Himself (6 集, 2006)
David Jason .Narrator (6 集, 2006)
Rod Arthur .Park Keeper (3 集, 2006)
Suzanne McNabb .Park Vet (3 集, 2006)
Matthew Wright .助理制作人(6 集, 2006)
Jasper James .执行制作人(集数未知)
Lareine Shea .line producer (集数未知)
Daniel Pemberton .(6 集, 2006)
摄影 :
David Langan .(集数未知)
剪辑 :
Rick Aplin .(集数未知)
艺术指导 :
Philip Barber .(集数未知)
《史前公园》( Prehistoric Park )为英国FremantleMedia公司【与恐龙共舞】原班金制作群最新力作,由国际知名生物探险家奈吉·马文(Nigel Marven)生动主持,是一部唤醒大众智识且非常特殊的3D虚拟纪录片.本片很单纯地藉由近似一般常见于Discovery频道上的生物纪录片手法,描述生物探险家奈吉重返恐龙尚未灭绝的年代,去补抓即将绝种的恐龙群回到现代饲养于「史前公园」当中.
